Revolutionising fleet insurance with GPS-driven risk assessment and digital claims management

How it works

Unlike traditional fleet insurance models that rely on generic factors for risk assessment, we harness GPS data to analyse driving patterns, proactively identify risk factors and preemptively mitigate accidents. Additionally, our comprehensive digital claims management solutions efficiently handle notifications of loss, minimising operational disruptions and reducing administrative expenses.

By correlating safe driving habits with fairer motor fleet insurance premiums, we incentivise fleet operators to adopt a safety-centric culture behind the wheel, ultimately reducing the occurrence of accidents and related expenses.

As your trusted risk management partner, we offer expert advice and support in driver training and fleet policy development, aiming to prevent incidents and enhance overall safety measures.

With Fuse Fleet, embark on a fairer, data-driven approach to managing your fleet’s insurance premiums.

Image of a yellow WiFi icon for Fuse Fleet Data Analytics.


Uncover new safety insights to reduce crashes and claims

AI provides you with new driving intelligence. The AI turns existing GPS driving data into crash probability scores for every driver. The scores make it easy to:

  • Identify high-risk and low-risk drivers
  • Measure and benchmark performance across your fleet
  • Mitigate risk

Get a weekly report update by email and work with the information in our Tool.

Gain a deeper understanding of your fleet and steer it towards safer journeys with confidence.

Not connected yet? Try our Fuse Fleet app for free.

Image of a yellow magnifying glass icon for Fuse Fleet Insurance.


AI-powered fleet insurance for fairer premiums and smarter insights

Powered by AI, our bespoke digital insurance solutions accurately assess crash probabilities. By understanding your fleet’s performance, we ensure fair motor fleet insurance premiums and reward good driving behaviour.

Firstly, using data analytics we gather fleet, claims and general insurance information from you for quotation purposes.

Secondly, using telematics data and the power of AI, we convert your fleet GPS data into crash probability scores to determine your insurance premium.

Finally, our dashboard offers easy-to-understand management insights and visibility into potential high-risk scenarios.

Image of a yellow icon with a diamond with an exclamation inside for Fuse Fleet Risk Management.


Transforming risk management with safer, smarter driving strategies

Empowering fleets to proactively address high-risk behaviours, Fuse Fleet offers a suite of comprehensive risk management solutions. Our crash probability score, targeted driver training and gamification incentives promote safer driving habits. Advanced AI technology provides precise insights, optimising safety protocols and reducing accidents.

Seamlessly integrated with our claims management system, we ensure swift processing and minimal downtime. Additionally, our personalised driver policy consultation and tailored insurance solutions guarantee fleets operate at their safest and most efficient, both now and into the future.

Image of a yellow double arrow icon for Fuse Fleet Claims Management.


Fully digitally enabled solutions to reduce your claims lifecycle

With our end-to-end claims management portal, you have access to detailed information round the clock, ensuring 24/7 visibility into your fleet.

Our innovative claims management solutions promptly capture incidents on the spot, reducing claim costs and offering opportunities for third-party intervention.

These improved efficiencies translate into less downtime off the road for repairs, reduced administrative costs and a much quicker claims lifecycle process.

Our claims team understands the intricacies of the insurance industry and the claims process. They are committed to consistently delivering superior, faster and more cost-efficient claims solutions. Learn more about Our Team.