Discover the future of fleet risk management with our cutting-edge Fuse Fleet App powered by AI

If you don’t already have connected driving data, download the Fuse Fleet App for free to experience the future of fleet safety.

Gain unparalleled insights into driving behaviours and crash risk, empowering you to steer your fleet towards safer journeys confidently.

With detailed benchmarks and trend analysis, our platform offers invaluable guidance, helping you proactively address high-risk behaviours and shape a safer driving culture. Experience the future of fleet safety today with Fuse Fleet.

Start using our AI-powered app and pave the way for safer roads ahead.

Image of the Fuse Fleet App screen showing the data on the latest trips and driver behaviour scores.
Make every trip safer and smarter
Image of the Fuse Fleet App screen showing the crash probability score.
Deep dive into your driving statistics
Image of the Fuse Fleet App screen showing benchmarks and trends analysis for driver behaviour.
Monitor trip insights